Become a Luna Wolf Member
Membership approval provides access to:
Regular Ceremony with our Sacraments
Exclusive Community Gatherings
Private Ceremonies and Ministry
Members Only Online Chat Group
What Members Are Saying
"Very organized with a deep focus on safety, healing and compassion. I highly recommend Luna Wolf for those who are expressing an interest in the world of plant medicine for healing." -Mary V.
"The sense of community here is incredible — I've traveled twice already and can't wait to come back again. They truly went above and beyond my expectations. Highly recommend!" - Iryna T.
"A wonderful group of wholesome people who are genuine and hold space and capacity for a safe journey with these medicines." - Bree S.
"Each medicine plays its part in allowing the healing I need emotionally, physically and energetically," - Charlie S.
“Luna Wolf Sanctuary has become an extremely important part of my spiritual life. The integrity of the leadership, care of the guardianship, and cohesiveness of the community are like bedrock for me from which I can heal, explore, and celebrate being human on a sacred planet.” -Jason P.
Begin the Membership Process
Step 1: It’s required you read the Member Guidebook before applying.
Step 2: Fill out the application below.
Step 3: Once you submit the application, follow the link to book a Welcome Call with our Luna Wolf liaison (+$60 donation) to discuss a risks, benefits, and processes that are relevant to your personal circumstances. This is required for membership and provides a reliable starting place for journeying with us in a safe way.
Step 4: After evaluation, if your membership is approved, you will get an email providing access to the members section of the website.