Sacred Cedars Ceremonies

Outdoor Healing Immersion

At the Sacred Cedars Land

Offering Summer ‘25 Dates w/ Ayahuasca and Jaguar Bufo

This sacred site has been frequented by our facilitators for several years due to it’s bountiful natural protection. Sacred Cedars offers the space and safety to release all that you have. It's well-curated private land with a large ceremonial tipi and curated ceremony circle surrounded by paths and trees.

We’ll be offering both Grandmother Ayahuasca and Jaguar Bufo summer events (must be a member to attend).

Main Offerings

  • Grandmother Ayahuasca and Jaguar Bufo

    The Grandmother is served in the Tipi over 2-nights and our Jaguar Bufo ceremonies make use of several sacred sites on the land during beautiful day ceremonies.

  • Home-Cooked Meals

    Recharge the vessel and sooth the sensitive gut with fresh-cooked, vegetarian/vegan meals throughout the entire Grandmother weekends. We’ll enjoy meals together and make sure you’re well fed in between fasts.

  • Robust Integration

    Our experienced and trained team of 8 facilitators will be offering large group, small group, and 1-on-1 integration services throughout the weekend. Integrating into community is a profoundly reliable method, which is offered well beyond ceremony at LWS.

  • Live Music Performance

    The tipi will be filled with ceremonial vibrations of many kinds during Grandmother ceremonies, including the full Luna Wolf band. We provide elaborate soundscapes, traditional icaros, and original songs with a large variety of instruments. Listen Here!

Choose Your Sacrament

  • Grandmother Ayahuasca Weekend

    Join our full team in the tipi for two very special traditional Ayahuasca ceremonies blended with the innovative methods that have created our thriving community. Achieve the compounding effect of back to back Grandmother Aya ceremonies. The first night often addresses surface tensions and the second provides a deeper dive into the self where more prolonged benefits can be experienced.

    Benefit from a seamless experience outdoors in a safe, private, natural container with ample space for our boutique group sizes (15 max). Live music, wholesome meals, integration activities, preparation resources, 2:1 participant to facilitator ratio, fire circle and a powerful healing tipi vortex are all included. [Now booking for members July and Aug. 2025]

  • Jaguar Bufo Ceremony

    Sit amongst the prairie, cedar trees or inside the tipi as you journey with this profound sacrament. This group ceremony offers 2 servings on the land with time to process in the Cedar Circle apart from the serving sites. Private Ceremonies on the land are available for more in-depth sittings with this sacrament.

    We take a gradual approach, tailored to each participant individually to minimize risk. The Sonoran Desert Bufo Toad and Jaguar 5meo sacrament provides a profound and rapid return to deeper layers of self without the constraints of the thinking mind. Making contact with this healing ocean of consciousness allows for a shedding of what is out of harmony in your life. [Now booking for members June, July, August 2025]

The Land

Recognized by Lakota elders and constructed with the help of our community, we hold ceremony in a beloved tipi and various sites on the land. It is all cared for by trusted community members and owners.

Pitch a tent, bring a camper, or sleep in the tipi. There’s several curated sites on the land to find your resting place between ceremonies. The land generously provides stunning tree lines, vivid star gazing, walking paths, and several acres of tranquil prairie/woods. Plan your trip in the direction Osceola, WI. Exact location will be made available to participants.

Details and Itineraries

Grandmother Ayahuasca Weekend:

  • 2 Grandmother Ayahuasca Ceremonies: Our flagship service, developed with the utmost care from the brewing to the serving is supported and protected by our curandero in Peru and our establishment as a legal church entity. This will be aweekend consisting of two night ceremonies with the grandmother.

  • A Team of 8 Passionate, Trained Facilitators will be at your service, filling the full array of roles for your safety and support.

  • Limited to 15 Participants for a generous 2 to 1 ratio with facilitators meant to give you

  • Live Music Performance and Icaros guide much of the ceremony and has a great deal of work poured into it by the Luna Wolf band. Mirroring the mission of the church, the sounds weave the wisdom of tradition with modern innovation. Listen here!

Itinerary for July and August 2025 Sacred Cedars Healing Immersions:


o 6pm Arrival for tent setup and settling in

o 7:00pm Flower bath, tobacco prayer, optional hape

o 7:30pm Welcome talk, introductions

o 8:30pm Intention/cleansing/blessing rituals and serving the sacrament

o 12:30am-2:30am Closing ceremony and food served (journey container held all night)


o 9am Breakfast and integration circle

o 11am Rest time and self-care

o 1pm Lunch, nature hike + swim, yoga/breath, qi gong, and other optional activities

o 3:30pm Reflection Circle

o 5:00pm Ecstatic Dance

o 6:00pm All participants return to the circle, optional hape & sananga

o 7:30pm Second Night of Serving the Sacrament

o 11:30pm-1:30am Closing Ceremony and food served


o 8am Breakfast and Integration Circle

o 10am Closing Ceremony and send off

Jaguar Bufo Ceremony:

  • Innovative approach with the sacraments: Progress through multiple servings in small groups and find your optimal depth with personalized administrations.

  • 2 Facilitators per Participant will be present for the main effects of the sacrament, then a separate group circle will be held between servings for further processing.

  • Ground into a highly curated natural environment, both the serving stations and processing areas are set on deeply cared-for land designed specifically for these purposes.

Itinerary for May-August 2025 Sacred Cedars Ceremonies:

o 11am Arrival for welcome circle activities and optional hapé

o 12pm Main ceremony including 2 rounds served individually

o ~2pm Integration Circle

o ~3pm Closing

Ready to Transform?

Step into a profoundly nurturing and transformational environment, guided by the Luna Wolf founders and their dedicated support team.

Seats are more limited to these events and fill up quickly, so we encourage everyone to plan ahead and keep an eye on available spots.

If you are already a member, proceed from here to the Ceremony Calendar page to view booking options and availability.

Members Sign up for Sacred Cedars Summer ‘25

Not yet a member? Click here for membership info.